Saturday, March 4, 2017

New Beachbody Coach

My journey to be the best version of myself has a lot of twists and turns, ups and downs. From gaining weight in college, losing weight before my wedding, and gaining it all back again, I have tried a lot of different programs and diets. The best thing to happen to me was finding Beachbody.

After I had my second child, I weighed 215 pounds. I knew I could lose the weight if I went back to one of those diet programs. That's exactly what I did. I even worked out once or twice a week and thought I was doing everything right. Then I got stuck. I needed more. Instead of following a diet, I needed to change my lifestyle and mindset.

A friend introduced me to Beachbody about two years ago. I started with a 21 Day Fix Challenge pack. The best part about Beachbody is that it isn't just a bunch of workout programs. Between the information about clean eating, proper nutrition, and fitness, I was able to make changes to my life that have made me a better mom, teacher, and wife. The best part is that I do it all from home. No traipsing to the gym or running outside in bad weather.

Having this amazing experience has changed my life and now I want to pay it forward and hopefully help other people achieve what I have over the last two years with Beachbody. I made the decision to become a Beachbody Coach. If you would like to know more about what I do or join me on this amazing journey, please send me a message at

Find me on Instagram: GKup25

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