Over the past two years, I have committed to this lifestyle. I want to workout every day. I want to be around for my family. This way, I get to do both. I don't have to pack up my stuff and make sure that I'm not forgetting anything to run to the gym, rush through a workout, and then come home so that I can make sure I'm there for my family. If I forget my water, I press pause and go fill it up. When allergy season hits, I have my box of Kleenex next to me and and don't have to worry about grossing people out with my used tissues.
So, how did I get to the point that I am at with a mini-home gym in my living room? I bought higher weights as I needed them. It takes time to build up the muscle and strength so I did not need heavier weights every other week. My family also figured out that I was completely committed to this and started getting me gear for birthdays, Mother's Day, and Christmas. In fact most of my weights and the rack that holds them are from my kids! My mom and dad have gotten me weights! I watch for clearance in stores that sell fitness gear. I also shop secondhand stores.
You don't have to have everything at once! Start slow. Most Beachbody programs will take into account that people are in different places in their fitness journey and show multiple ways to do the workouts. 21 Day Fix can be done completely with bands instead of weights! Hammer and Chisel shows how to do the workouts with or without a bench. You don't have to have everything all at once.
Today's Hammer and Chisel Setup |
Here's what I do to make things work. Under the bench is just a non-slip thing that goes under a large rug. I use it under the bench and also under the floor mat when I use it. That way, I can jump or move and it stays put!
I have a yoga mat from Target. I don't get the most expensive mat. It's not necessary, though I do like the Gaiam brand. Many of my weights have also come from Target and Walmart. Friends of mine have ordered weights on Amazon. I got a pull-up bar that hangs in the door frame on Amazon and a door attachment for my bands as well.
There are also many programs that don't require any equipment. With the All-Access pass, you can click on a program and see what you need before you decide to do the program.
So, yes, I have built up my collection of fitness gear over time. But, what I hope you gain from reading this is the understanding that you don't need a lot of stuff to workout at home. I would suggest starting small. Beachbody still offers a 14 day free trial of Beachbody On Demand. Send me an email: gkup25fit@gmail.com. Find me on Instagram: GKup25! I'll help you get started!
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