First and foremost in my life, I am a wife and mother. I am also a teacher. I love my schedule. Yes, I have to take work home on a regular basis. I am also a Beachbody Coach, which is something that I can do anytime. Why am I telling you this information that most of you already know? Because this lack of a schedule in the summer is throwing off my life! Please know that this is not a complaint about having summers off. It is more a statement about what I need in my life to go with MY schedule. I'm sure that others, who officially work year-round have times when their routine has to change. Whether that's a vacation, change in hours, job changes, promotions, no matter what it is, it is important to have a plan for many of us.
I had jury duty this week. It was so stressful, and I didn't even have to report once! It's the not knowing what I will need to be doing from morning to afternoon. It was such a relief when the jurors were released for the week as of yesterday!
I also don't have a real routine in the summer. It makes me crazy. I need a routine. The month of June was great. The kids had camp. I would drop them off, eat breakfast, workout, and get ready for whatever else the day would bring. The month of July is a little bit more broken up with different camps and vacation.
I tend to do a lot of planning and personal education in the summer. This summer I'm working on two classes. They are due in November but my hope is to get them done before August! We'll see how that goes. I need to make myself a schedule and include some work time for my classes.
This tells me that I really need to sit down and take the time to plan out what my week will look like each weekend. It is so much easier for me when I don't have to decide what I will be doing!
Beachbody makes the working out and meal planning pretty easy. I have access to all kinds of programs that include a calendar for the different workouts within the programs, and meal plans that are easy to follow and allow me to keep some of my favorite meals in my life.
It will all work out. Knowing what we need as individuals is one of the first steps to success. What do you need?